Marathon of Lectures and Discussions on the Event as a Phenomenon

30. 9. 2011

International Centre of Graphic Arts (MGLC)

Marathon of Lectures and Discussions on the Event as a Phenomenon; Beti Žerovc (moderator) (from left), Peter Simonič, Andrej Studen, Jože Vogrinc, Alenka Arko, 29th Biennial of Graphic Arts, Ljubljana, 2011, accompanying event at MGLC.

Photo: Jaka Babnik. MGLC Archive.

The marathon was devoted to the broad interdisciplinary treatment of the event as a general social phenomenon. Distinguished representatives from the Slovene media, the state administration, the church, non-government organizations, the business world, the art world, and various scholarly fields attempted to explain the kinds of purposes for which events are used in their fields and what is hoped to be gained by using them. They also reflected on the question of where the, obviously, very extensive phenomenon of the “eventification” of contemporary life might be leading us.

Speakers: Alenka Arko, Tina Bolcar, Marko Brecelj, Miha Burilov, Eko krog, Hajrudin Hromadžić, Janez Janša, Zoran Kanduč, Vlado Kotnik, Miha Kozorog, Lenart J. Kučić, Gorazd V. Mrevlje, Vinko Potočnik, Mitja Rotovnik, Andrej Rozman – Roza, Božo Rustja, Peter Simonič, Andrej Studen, Jože Vogrinc, Pavle Vrhovec.

Moderator: Beti Žerovc.